Singing Guide: Gabrielle Aplin

Singing Guide: Gabrielle Aplin

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Gabrielle Aplin is a British singer-songwriter who gained popularity on YouTube with her covers and original songs. Her unique singing style is characterized by her delicate and emotive voice, and her ability to convey emotion through her songs.

To learn singing like Gabrielle Aplin, you must first work on your breath control and support. Aplin is known for her breathy, whisper-like singing style which can be achieved by using a combination of breathy phonation and good breath support. Check out this Singing Carrots article on breathing basicsand this video on Farinelli Breathing to help you establish proper breathing techniques.

Another essential aspect of Aplin's singing style is the way she uses her mixed voice to achieve a seamless transition between her chest and head voice. Develop your mixed voice using Singing Carrots' videos on Chest Voice Explained and Mixed Voice.

Aplin's unique style incorporates a wide range of vocal registers that offer an exquisite variety to the song. They are evident in her song "Panic cord" where she effortlessly switches between the chest and head voice. Learn more about vocal registers in this article and watch this video on Singing Comfort Zone to explore how to use them in your singing.

Articulation is also a crucial factor in Aplin's singing style, which she masterfully employs to produce clear and distinctive sounds. Use this video on Finger Bite and this article on Articulation to improve your clarity and pronunciation.

Finally, it's crucial to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preferences. Check out Singing Carrots' Song search to find songs that fit your criteria. With practice, you can master practical techniques like Gabrielle Aplin and turn your singing into an emotional experience.

In conclusion, Gabrielle Aplin's unique style comes from her delicate and emotive voice, breath control, use of mixed voice, articulation, and versatile vocal registers. Learn and incorporate these techniques into your practice using Singing Carrots' Pitch Training and Educational singing course, along with the references provided above.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.